The Club Constitution
The Club shall be called The Angmering Camera Club.
The aims and objectives of the Club are to foster, stimulate and encourage the study and practice of all aspects of photography, photographic art and techniques. This will be achieved by exchanging ideas, advice and assistance amongst members, by organising a programme of discussions, lectures, demonstrations, outings and visits and by the occasional photographic challenge. An annual exhibition shall normally be held in August or September each year.
The Club shall meet from 7pm to 9pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from September to end May the following year except over the Christmas and Easter holiday periods. A programme of occasional visits to places with a particular photographic interest shall be organised during the summer months.
A person must become a Member to enjoy the full benefits of the Club. Membership shall be open to any person interested in, or practising photography both amateur and professional, who agrees to support the Club’s objectives and abide by the Club’s rules. A person applying for membership must complete an application form and may attend the Club for two meetings before paying a subscription. The Committee reserves the right to reject an application for membership and to terminate an existing membership for inappropriate behaviour or activities against the interests of the Club. Subscription fees already paid will not be refunded. The Committee may confer Life Membership to a Member for outstanding service to the Club.
Members shall pay an annual subscription fee recommended by the Treasurer and agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the coming year or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). All subscriptions from existing members shall be due by the end of September. If the renewal subscription is not received by this time membership shall be deemed to have lapsed unless special circumstances are proven. New members joining after 1 January shall pay half that season’s subscription. Members must have paid a current subscription to vote at any club meeting or enter any competition/challenges.
The Club shall be run by a Committee consisting of four officers, a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer plus a maximum of up to four members. All committee members shall be elected annually at the AGM and may be elected en bloc. Four committee members shall constitute a quorum with the Chairperson having the casting vote. The Chairperson shall hold the post for a maximum of three years before standing down but can move to a different post on the committee. The Chairperson, in conjunction with the Secretary, shall be responsible for convening committee meetings as required and drawing up an Agenda for circulation before the meeting. Committee meetings can also be convened on the written request of three other committee members.
The role of the Committee is to manage the available finances on the advice of the Treasurer, ensuring expenditure does not exceed the finances available, finalise the annual programme and organise the day-to-day running of the Club. The committee may ask individuals to undertake specific tasks and make decisions on their behalf between meetings, such decisions being agreed by a quorum of the committee
The Chairperson, acting as leader and moderator will ensure committee meetings are managed in an orderly fashion ensuring all those taking part are given the chance to express their views and provide guidance to make decisions in the best interests of the Club. The Chairperson must also ensure meetings are not too long, off topic or unproductive. The Chairperson will normally introduce speakers and guests at meetings.
The Vice-Chairperson’s role is to support the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
The Secretary will be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Club and working closely with the Chairperson, keep an overview of the Club’s activities and, in conjunction with the Treasurer, ensure suitable accommodation for Club meetings is available and any contractual arrangements undertaken are in the Club’s best interests. The Secretary will be the main contact for anybody wishing to join the Club. He/she will be responsible for taking minutes at AGMs, EGMs and committee meetings passing these to the committee for approval and for maintaining a minute book.
The Club’s Bankers shall be Barclays Bank plc. Cheques will be signed by the Treasurer and one of two other nominated signatories..Bank Transfers will be ‘signed’ by the Treasurer and one of two other nominated signatories.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held annually toward the end of the Club’s year. The Secretary shall give 21 days’ notice of the date and venue of the AGM. A quorum shall be 7 members present. The business to be undertaken at the AGM will include
i The statement of accounts at that date;
ii The election of Committee Members;
iii Business proposed by the Committee;
iv Matters of which notice has been given by members;
v The appointment of an Examiner; and
vi Any other business.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by the Secretary, upon written request of at least 7 members, clearly stating the purpose for which the EGM is to be called. No other business shall be transacted at the EGM. The secretary will notify members of the date, time and venue of the EGM which will be held within 28 Days of receiving the written request.
In the event of the Club ceasing to operate, a decision that can only be taken at an AGM or EGM, the assets of the Club shall, after all known and anticipated liabilities have been discharged, be divided amongst the membership. The Club shall be subject to the rules and any bylaws relating to any premises used by the Club on a regular or casual basis.
The Club is compliant with the requirement of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Data Collected is held only for the purpose of maintaining contact with members and prospective members. Personal data is not kept longer than is necessary and is not disclosed to any third party without the consent of the data subject or where there is a legal requirement or obligation to do so. All data is kept secure and password protected to mitigate risk.
Revised January 2021 - Approved at AGM April 2021
Further Revised January 2025 – Approved at EGM February 2025
The Club shall be called The Angmering Camera Club.
The aims and objectives of the Club are to foster, stimulate and encourage the study and practice of all aspects of photography, photographic art and techniques. This will be achieved by exchanging ideas, advice and assistance amongst members, by organising a programme of discussions, lectures, demonstrations, outings and visits and by the occasional photographic challenge. An annual exhibition shall normally be held in August or September each year.
The Club shall meet from 7pm to 9pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from September to end May the following year except over the Christmas and Easter holiday periods. A programme of occasional visits to places with a particular photographic interest shall be organised during the summer months.
A person must become a Member to enjoy the full benefits of the Club. Membership shall be open to any person interested in, or practising photography both amateur and professional, who agrees to support the Club’s objectives and abide by the Club’s rules. A person applying for membership must complete an application form and may attend the Club for two meetings before paying a subscription. The Committee reserves the right to reject an application for membership and to terminate an existing membership for inappropriate behaviour or activities against the interests of the Club. Subscription fees already paid will not be refunded. The Committee may confer Life Membership to a Member for outstanding service to the Club.
Members shall pay an annual subscription fee recommended by the Treasurer and agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the coming year or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). All subscriptions from existing members shall be due by the end of September. If the renewal subscription is not received by this time membership shall be deemed to have lapsed unless special circumstances are proven. New members joining after 1 January shall pay half that season’s subscription. Members must have paid a current subscription to vote at any club meeting or enter any competition/challenges.
The Club shall be run by a Committee consisting of four officers, a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer plus a maximum of up to four members. All committee members shall be elected annually at the AGM and may be elected en bloc. Four committee members shall constitute a quorum with the Chairperson having the casting vote. The Chairperson shall hold the post for a maximum of three years before standing down but can move to a different post on the committee. The Chairperson, in conjunction with the Secretary, shall be responsible for convening committee meetings as required and drawing up an Agenda for circulation before the meeting. Committee meetings can also be convened on the written request of three other committee members.
The role of the Committee is to manage the available finances on the advice of the Treasurer, ensuring expenditure does not exceed the finances available, finalise the annual programme and organise the day-to-day running of the Club. The committee may ask individuals to undertake specific tasks and make decisions on their behalf between meetings, such decisions being agreed by a quorum of the committee
The Chairperson, acting as leader and moderator will ensure committee meetings are managed in an orderly fashion ensuring all those taking part are given the chance to express their views and provide guidance to make decisions in the best interests of the Club. The Chairperson must also ensure meetings are not too long, off topic or unproductive. The Chairperson will normally introduce speakers and guests at meetings.
The Vice-Chairperson’s role is to support the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
The Secretary will be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Club and working closely with the Chairperson, keep an overview of the Club’s activities and, in conjunction with the Treasurer, ensure suitable accommodation for Club meetings is available and any contractual arrangements undertaken are in the Club’s best interests. The Secretary will be the main contact for anybody wishing to join the Club. He/she will be responsible for taking minutes at AGMs, EGMs and committee meetings passing these to the committee for approval and for maintaining a minute book.
The Club’s Bankers shall be Barclays Bank plc. Cheques will be signed by the Treasurer and one of two other nominated signatories..Bank Transfers will be ‘signed’ by the Treasurer and one of two other nominated signatories.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held annually toward the end of the Club’s year. The Secretary shall give 21 days’ notice of the date and venue of the AGM. A quorum shall be 7 members present. The business to be undertaken at the AGM will include
i The statement of accounts at that date;
ii The election of Committee Members;
iii Business proposed by the Committee;
iv Matters of which notice has been given by members;
v The appointment of an Examiner; and
vi Any other business.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by the Secretary, upon written request of at least 7 members, clearly stating the purpose for which the EGM is to be called. No other business shall be transacted at the EGM. The secretary will notify members of the date, time and venue of the EGM which will be held within 28 Days of receiving the written request.
In the event of the Club ceasing to operate, a decision that can only be taken at an AGM or EGM, the assets of the Club shall, after all known and anticipated liabilities have been discharged, be divided amongst the membership. The Club shall be subject to the rules and any bylaws relating to any premises used by the Club on a regular or casual basis.
The Club is compliant with the requirement of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Data Collected is held only for the purpose of maintaining contact with members and prospective members. Personal data is not kept longer than is necessary and is not disclosed to any third party without the consent of the data subject or where there is a legal requirement or obligation to do so. All data is kept secure and password protected to mitigate risk.
Revised January 2021 - Approved at AGM April 2021
Further Revised January 2025 – Approved at EGM February 2025